Walking in the Past
I missed the Forum last time I was in Rome….I kind of didn’t think it would be that interesting….I was so wrong! I could spend days wandering around here and will definitely budget drawing time here next time I’m in Rome. I wish I had time to draw while there, but I didn’t realize how much I would love it.
The scale of it is staggering, not just for land area covered but for the sheer size of the buildings and the structures and knowing that only a small portion of them remain. The Basilica is mind boggling, I couldn’t get a picture of it that came even close to conveying the scope of the building.
It’s so easy, in the arrogance of our own time to think we are the peak of civilization and that we will only continue to progress upwards towards enlightenment and technological advances. And then to be here, in this extraordinary ruins, you realize to take nothing for granted.

It’s so easy, in the arrogance of our own time to think we are the peak of civilization and that we will only continue to progress upwards towards enlightenment and technological advances. And then to be here, in this extraordinary ruins, you realize to take nothing for granted.