Rome Trip - First Night
After dropping off my stuff at the apartment I needed to get a few things for the next day! The absolute top order of priority was a visit to the art supply store since I didn’t bring any medium with me on the plane. I’m a few blocks from a great little store…I want to buy EVERYTHING! But I was good and restrained myself! And yes, the proximity to this store was a factor in my apartment choice!
Next I needed to eat something! I was going to get a gelatin but then I found a formaggiere (cheese shop), and picked up some taleggio and bread. Then I passed a proper supermarket and spent a good but of time just walking through the aisles drooling over everything….and this isn’t even a gourmet place! I took a picture of the frozen ‘frittata di mare’ for risotto…we used to have a friend in Bologna who made Risotto Frutta di Mare’ with this stuff…I’m tempted to make it myself! When I got home I took a picture of my stash. Note the kinder egg…I decided to live dangerously and buy the dangerous, banned for our own protection candy. If I die, you’ll know whose fault it was!
Now to shower and go out for dinner in Testaccio with a friend of a friend!
Buona Sera Tutti!